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As your kids start to grow up you’ll find yourself in a difficult situation. When they start to outgrow all of their toys and clothes and you start replacing them, you need to get rid of the old stuff.
That’s often easier said than done because every single item holds memories. We’ve put together a few tips on how to choose what to keep and what to go.
Homemade Gifts
Homemade gifts are one thing that everybody should keep. If family members have knitted them outfits, that’s more special than something you bought from a store. The same goes for any gifts that the kids have made for you.
Working out what to keep and what to go is easier said than done because every single item holds memories.
The kids grow out of them so fast you’re going to have piles of it by the time they get older. Firstly, they can be stored to hand down. Alternatively, you can take them to charity store so that they can continue to be used or repurpose them creatively into a quilt so you can keep them as memories.
Certain toys become fixed in memory, keep those. However, limit the sentimentality to a few of their quality favourite toys, particularly teddy bears or nice wooden ones. They’ll be far nicer keepsakes or for future grandchildren to use!
One of the biggest surprises about parenthood is just how much stuff they produce, but using this handy guide, you can keep on top of it. Many people with limited storage space now use self-storage as a means to get around the problem. Now Storage offers accessible, affordable and flexible options so why not look into how they can help.
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